Wednesday, July 21, 2010

From Home Biz to Retail Gallery Storefront

Since 1998 until a couple of years ago, my husband and I ran our business from our home. We concentrated on doing shows and selling our work from our website and on eBay. Our house has a great location near an incredible Northwest beach and a gorgeous view of the water, but in exchange for's teeny....728 sq foot teeny....and yes, we had also been fitting our business in there as well. That worked fine until the kiddos came along. The two boys are now 3 and almost 6. Getting the business out of the house was a must. So, we went to our artsy downtown La Conner looking for a shipping office and place of operations.

For not much more, a great retail space was available that looked perfect for us. A year and half goes by and it turned out that we were feeling too crammed in there. We moved to the front of the building that we were in to a bigger spot and it is PERFECT for us. Each need now has a place of its own, not having to double or triple its use. For example, Scott's beadmaking desk is for that alone, his tool making station is for tool making, our photo station does not have to be taken down and set up each time, we have a shipping table for that alone, and so on. But the one thing that I am the most excited about is my beading station. I'm in heaven. My beads are no longer in little boxes, I have everything at a glance. A true artist's pallette. It has made creating so much more fun and I design best when I can see colors together in a way I might not have otherwise. We are on 1st Street in downtown La Conner, WA if you want to visit. We are called Bearfoot Art Glass Studio. Hope to see ya sometime!

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